This small bucket bag is part of a special collaboration between Doraemon and Gucci. Born on September 3rd, 2112, a cat-type robot was sent from the 22nd century to help a young boy called Nobita with secret gadgets from his four-dimensional pouch. A playful character, Doraemon hates mice and loves Dorayaki, a sweet pancake.
25 x 27 x 12.5 cm
Beige/ebony mini GG Supreme canvas, a material with low environmental impact, with Doraemon Fujiko-Pro print
Cherry red leather trim
Shiny gold hardware
Doraemon x Gucci Fujiko-Pro
Inserts contain leather made through an alternative metal or chrome free tanning process, reducing the environmental footprint compared to traditional methods.
Shoulder strap with 21.6′ drop. Can also be worn as a cross body bag.
Drawstring closure
Cotton linen lining
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